Kim’s Intensive came at a time I was craving some change. I was feeling a bit stagnant in my day-to-day, my living situation, my relationships and loved the idea of separating myself from ‘normal life’ and dedicating time to look inward.
I’m drawn to Kim’s way of gathering information from many sources, organizing and offering up tools that work or resonate with others, but never creating an atmosphere that feels like there is one rigid way to get to where you want to go.
It can be daunting to make yourself unavailable to others in your life and financially commit to something like this, but I’m so glad I did. It made me a stronger believer in my own power and that conscious choices about how we spend our time and how we show up in life can lead to major shifts.

Before working with Kim, I was dealing with a lot of transitions personally and professionally. I was leading a startup that was beginning to grow and take on its own identity. I knew I needed help learning how to navigate my role of being the CEO of a national food brand while maintaining a healthy relationship with my co-founder husband. I was in full doubt mode.
I always had a feeling of being able to unravel this pent up feeling of frustration during my time with Kim. I would leave feeling clear and being able to see what I would need to do to move forward. I developed confidence in my ability to run my business. I needed help seeing that I was in fact capable, that I was the person for the job. I didn’t expect to discover that. I went into our engagement thinking I was going to simply hear it, but not know it or feel it.
Since my first session with Kim, we have grown our sales 1060% and are available nationally. My relationship with my husband is in a wonderful spot and White Leaf has taken off.
Kim came into my life at a perfect time. Working with her made me realize the parts of my life that could be more powerful. It made me realize that I didn't have to walk around feeling like life was happening to me. I realized that I have a very important role in creating everything in my life.
She helped me see the creative force that I am in this world, and the impact my presence has in it. The result has been an upgraded version of myself that is able to approach every situation with power, creating results-driven by performance and the idea that I have a cause in the matter. Who I am being makes a difference.

Having met Kim a few times, I was struck by her sense of ease. I felt a softness and calmness around her that I found very intriguing.
I was grappling with a health crisis as a result of years of chronic stress. My life felt out of control. I had tried many different approaches on my own but realized that it was essential to address the emotional/spiritual side in order to fully heal. I knew that working with a partner on that journey would be more beneficial than trying to do it on my own.
What’s unique is that while what led me to explore working with her was initially a specific event, a health crisis, our work has actually impacted all parts of my life far beyond my health. I’ve appreciated Kim’s continued devotion and commitment to our work together.
I feel like I have a whole new perspective, especially in how I confront stress and conflict. I am softer with myself and more readily acknowledge my strengths. I recognize that I have agency over my energy and my reaction which in turn shapes outcomes. I feel calmer and more confident in my choices. I’m generally less stressed and feel more at ease with life’s ups and downs. Rather than trying to avoid all conflict I simply rest in knowing that it won’t last forever. My health has improved, as a result.
I thought I needed help with my relationships but discovered it always comes back to my relationship with myself. I get to choose how I show up and therefore have a huge influence over how things unfold.
I just love that I found Kim. This has been hugely transformational for my life. I am so grateful.
Artist Manager & CEO, Amperland
I was desperate for change. I was longing for answers. Kim didn’t give me the answers, she asked the right questions to help me discover them. I had all the answers I needed within me.
I always look back at my Intensive experience as a significant mile marker of growth. It was truly a turning point and unlocked a key to my future. I have learned the importance of investing in myself and putting my needs first, so I can love others fully. The more I invest in myself the more I thrive in all areas of life.

My experience of Kim as a coach is impossible to summarize in a single paragraph. The impact that our coaching relationship has had on my life, both personally and professionally, continues to reveal itself.
I hired Kim with ideas on what coaching could do for me, and it did so much more. I thought I would focus solely on regaining access to my entrepreneurial fire and focus, instead I began to see and take greater responsibility for my own creation of my life. In the process, I lost my inhibitions in my business and my fears of what others thought went away. I am able to create freely without limitations and my business has leapt forward.
I regained clarity and intention in almost every relationship, most importantly my marriage and in nurturing a loving relationship with my wife. My family is my foundation and purpose in all things, and I now approach my life with clear intention around my work relationships and my personal relationships. I hired Kim to regain access to myself as an entrepreneur, and my wife and family regained access to a powerful husband, father, son and brother. And that power continues to grow as my work in it continues forward with greater and greater ease.
Before hiring Kim, I was reluctant to lead in any area of life or even to accept the title of leader. Now, I just want to lead.

What I really enjoyed about the Intensive was it forced me to sit and really think about how I was feeling about myself and the choices I was making for me. Having children, I spent almost all of my time thinking about them and how to be a good mother to them. So, I never spent much time on myself.
The Intensive allowed me to really dig deep into how I was feeling about my dreams and goals for myself. My focus going into it was on my struggle with work/life balance. I kept saying, “I just don’t really think it’s possible to have it all!” But the work in the Intensive gave me a sense of how I was feeling as a whole person.
My biggest realization was that my truest self wants to slow down. I was happiest in the space of not being consumed by always doing. I don’t thrive right now on being busy, in fact, that is what is hurting me. I’m moving at a slower pace.
It planted a seed for me. My ultimate struggle was worrying that I would disappoint people by my choices. While that was not an easy decision, I resigned from my position at PSC, it has proven to release that stress that was consuming my heart and mind..
My battle with having it all is to just know that right now I decide where to put my focus. My focus is my children. I enjoy being with them, guiding them, and learning with and from them.
The Intensive was a gift to myself; an investment in me. It gave me the opportunity to slow down for a few days and be in the process of creating more self-awareness, including how I view the world, how I experience others, how others experience me, and what I am doing to ensure that I am continually evolving.
All of my experience was incredible, unique and is a bit hard to explain. I selfishly want to keep that special time to myself.
There were large takeaways, yet also some small things about our everyday language that have been equally as powerful. The biggest A-Ha for me is how I tell and view my own story. What I learned at the Intensive has improved my life and the life of those around me.